Day 63: Its all about the abs… Or is it?

3Since I live outside of Stockholm, I don’t have the possibility to meet my parents on a regular basis. Right around day 30 on my challenge I met my mom, we haven’t seen each other since I started my Leangains diet. Her first reaction was; “Wow you’ve lost a lot of weight!  This was true since at that time I dropped about 3 kg. However, my mom kept staring at me and eventually she told me honestly: “Have you really lost weight, or is it your hair” (read giant head)?

My mom usually has a good eye on how slim/fat/bony my face looks, but this time she was mislead by my long hair. And when I say long, I don’t mean like Rapunzel’s long hair. I have a friend that calls my hair the “Birds Nest”, since, according to him it looks like one, and birds fly into my hair and settles there until their eggs hatch.

Just another bad hair day? No man, this is a good day, you should see it on a fucking bad day.

Just another bad hair day? No man, this is a good day, you should see it on a fucking bad day, old people get lost in my hair and die.

I’ve noticed that if you only look at my head (separate from my body), its actually pretty huge. To to make it even worse, just put about 5 kg of pure Filipino hair and you got yourself the next villain in The Avengers movie, Dr Gigantor Head. But together with my body, its actually proportional.  

So why am I writing about my freakishly big head? Well, I got a comment from one of my friends, and he wrote: “In the end, isn’t all about the abs?“. For some people this might be all they want, but for me, I believe that having right body proportions is the right way to go. This is were my head story enters the picture, I believe that it’s proportional to my body, it has a nice fit to it. Now, your head is rarely something you can affect in terms of altering your overall look. There are other parts of your body that can shape to get that perfect body of yours. There are different shapes men or women in the gym can have, skinny, skinny-fat, bulky, lean, chubby and my personal favorite “did you forget something?”-people. From here, it’s easier to just show you what I mean….

The don't skip leg day people..

The” don’t skip LEG day” people..

The "don't skip chest day" people

The “don’t skip CHEST day” – people..

The "Don't sky GYM day" people

The “Don’t skip GYM day” people (Danny are you aming for this body? HAHA)

And my personal favorite:

The "you are beyond BIG that your head looks like a tiny thumb"-people

The “you are beyond BIG that your head looks like a tiny thumb”- people

So back to the original question, is it really just about the abs? Think about it…..!

Work Hard, Eat Hard… Sleep Hard?

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